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What is Power App?

Think of a scenario, you are small business owner, you are out serving a customer and wanted to capture two pieces of information. For example, your arrival time and departure time. You said to yourself, I wish I had an “app” for that. Well your wish just came true with Power App.

In plain language, Power App is a framework* application that let you build simple apps and let you use them on your iOS or Android devices without spending thousands of dollars. Microsoft provides all the bits and pieces needed via Power App framework so you can solve your immediate business problem leveraging web and mobile technologies at very low entry cost (VLEC).

About price and licensing

Office 365 is sold in number of different SKU. Generally all Office 365 Business plans includes Power App. However, it can be subscribed by itself at very low monthly charges as well. For details visit the Power App website at

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  • Sign-in Sheet with Office 365 – 11Mangos

    […] Sure, we can and while on the subject we can also eliminate the paper from the process as well. There is no need to waste paper when alternatives are readily available. I will show how easy and simple it is to accomplish this task with Office 365 and the Power App. The Power App is a powerful framework to produce custom apps. Read more about it here. […]